Passage: Luke 16:19-31 Speaker: Nic Higgins Series: Standalone Messages
Speaker: Nic Higgins - In a world that exalts prosperity and glamour, and rewards success with prominence and authority, what room is there for the diseased, disavowed, and destitute of society? It seems as though all the blessings are showered upon the affluent while the beggars go in ignored suffering. Is that how God looks upon the people of the world? What hope could a poor, indigent soul have in the sight of God? Could God’s favor really rest on someone of such stature? Our text this morning gives us a picture of God’s view in answering the question, “What in this life has the ability to change one’s outcome in the life to come?” With the depiction of two completely opposite characters, Jesus is going to teach what really matters in this life to prepare us for the one to come.