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The Sovereign Scandalous Line of the Messiah

December 23, 2012

Passage: Matthew 1:1-17 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: The Gospel about God with Us

Length: 56 mins 9 secs Plays: 3044

Each Sunday this month, we’ve been looking at different answers to the question: What is the good news about God is with us? So far, we’ve seen that He willingly stepped into our place as fully God and fully man. Today, all those truths come together in Jesus’ place in history. Jesus did not magically appear outside the bounds of time. Christmas answers so many questions for us. Does God keep His word? Can God overcome my sin and inadequacies? Does God want me? In Jesus, all these answers are yes! Today’s passage may be one that we often skip over or consider as only informational, but in reality it is full of mystery, scandal and beautiful grace. Today, we will see a God we can trust, a God who is powerful, and a God who welcomes us into His kingdom, because today’s passage is all about Emmanuel--God with us. Jesus steps into our sinful history and declares that God keeps His word, conquers our sinfulness and welcomes us into God’s presence. That’s good news and it must affect our lives. Let’s allow God’s word to change us today!