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The Witness of John the Baptist

July 09, 2017

Passage: John 1:19-34 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 43 mins 47 secs Plays: 1970

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - “The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” That verse is so familiar that it doesn’t shock us, but it should. That was a radical thing for John to say about a young Galilean carpenter to a bunch of Jewish people who for centuries had offered their sacrificial lambs at the temple! He was in essence saying, \"This man is the One whom God has sent to be what all of those thousands of lambs over hundreds of years have symbolized! And He is not only the Lamb that God sent for Israel, but also for the whole world!” May the Lord teach us that it’s not about us but all about Christ. May our lives point to him in word and deed.