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Those Who Walk in Pride He is Able to Humble

February 09, 2020

Passage: Daniel 4:28-37 Speaker: Pastor Jotham Manoranjan Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: 44 mins 16 secs Plays: 476

Speaker: Jotham Manoranjan - Twelve months have passed since the events on Daniel 4:1-27 where King Nebuchadnezzar was called to “break off his sins”. God revealed an impending judgment through a vision that Daniel interprets. Today, we pick up part two of the story. Will King Nebuchadnezzar heed the counsel of Daniel? In what seems like an anti-climactic moment, we find that the call to repentance has fallen on deaf ears; rather the king now walks in pride. Today we will see how God humbles the most powerful man on earth, for he is able to humble those who walk in pride.