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Transformed Into His Image

October 06, 2024

Passage: Colossians 3:1-17 Speaker: Jonathan Jarrett Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 44 mins 11 secs Plays: 86

Speaker: Jonathan Jarrett - Maybe you’re just starting to explore biblical Christianity and don’t really know much about Jesus at all yet. Or perhaps you’ve recently started getting to know Jesus and you’re thinking, “I’m going to church, I started reading my Bible—what now?” Or maybe you’ve been following Jesus for years but feel stuck in your walk, like you’ve hit a spiritual plateau. Do you think that can happen? Where you plateau in your walk and you don’t really know whether you’ve been changing or growing the last 6 months or even a year? Well, no matter where you are today, here’s the good news: while Paul was writing to the Colossians, the God inspiring his letter had you in mind too. So Paul—one of history’s best followers of Jesus—shows us in Colossians 3 how we, as disciples of Jesus are to grow in him.