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Trusting the Promises of God

January 12, 2014

Passage: Genesis 12:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: By Faith

Length: 1 hr 2 mins 29 secs Plays: 2445

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - Most of the Egyptian pyramids had already been built long before Abram was born. But the nomad from Ur would end up with a legacy far greater, and far more lasting than anything the pharaohs ever imagined. How? Not by conquering kingdoms, building monuments, or discovering new lands, but by living a life of faith in response to God’s promises. Genesis 12 marks a turning point in the book of beginnings. The story has been narrowing to focus on a single man and a single line of his descendants. God’s call to Abram would be His means of blessing the world. As it plays out, the course of history would be changed forever and a door of hope would be opened that would never close. The life of Abram/Abraham charts the course of a man who walked by faith not by sight. His story is a model for anyone who wants to leave a legacy and make a lasting difference in the world. The way to impact history is to life by faith. May the Lord graciously help us mimic his trust in the promises of God.