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Unseen Spiritual Dimensions

April 19, 2020

Passage: Daniel 10:1-21 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: Plays: 602

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In times of uncertainty and trials, we often become desperate to understand what God is up to. We want to know his plans and see the big picture from his perspective. Troublesome circumstances are the times when prayer is so important. In Daniel 10, the 80-something year old prophet received word about the struggling people of God who had first returned to Jerusalem. The Samaritans were opposing the progress and the temple project had ground to a halt. This was a deep burden on Daniel’s heart, but it didn’t drive him to hopelessness or anger, it drove him to prayer. You see, God wants us to seek him fervently in the midst of difficulty. He wants us to run to him when life feels upside down and troubles come our way. Faithful persistence in prayer really makes a difference. Behind the struggles that are on display in our lives, there is an unseen dimension. In the background there are angelic battles and spiritual warfare raging on. So, in Daniel 10, we find the prophet praying and fasting. The old prophet is doing his part on his knees. And perhaps that’s what we should be doing in the midst of our own trouble. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers. So, let’s ask God to teach us about unseen spiritual dimensions and how prayer can make a difference.

Topics: prayer worship prophecy spiritual warfare king apocalyptic