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Wait on the Lord

May 17, 2020

Passage: Isaiah 40:1-31 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Hope. Rest. Wait.

Length: 52 mins 13 secs Plays: 342

Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Isaiah 40, the people were teetering on the edge of despair. It was as though the ships bearing their dreams had sailed out of sight and all that was good had been taken from their lives. Perhaps they thought, “There goes my hope. There goes my happiness. All I can look forward to now is one long death sentence.” But when our thoughts fall that way, what does God do? He comes with a message of consolation and comfort. To all who are oppressed and afflicted, to those who have shattered dreams and failing hopes, God comes with a message of comfort. He offers strength to the weary and endurance to the fainting. May the Lord help us to wait on him and be renewed this morning.