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Warnings to the Wealthy

March 26, 2017

Passage: James 5:1-6 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Faith that Works

Length: 59 mins 9 secs Plays: 2666

Sermon: Lukus Counterman - Being outwardly rich or poor refers to how much of the world’s goods a person has at his or her disposal. Inward wealth or poverty on the other hand, refers to a person’s relationship with God and love for others (or lack thereof). In our text this morning, James rebukes the physically rich who are spiritually poor. He makes four charges against them, condemning their hoarding, their cheating, their selfish living and unfair oppressing stance toward the righteous. Thankfully, James doesn’t leave the reader with bad news - he assures the poor righteous believers who are suffering that the riches of this age are fleeting, but life with God is eternally rewarding. God will set things right in the end. May the Lord teach us how to handle our wealth with our eyes fixed on him.