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What We Need to Know About Suffering

June 13, 2021

Speaker: Jordan Allen Series: Bright Stars in Dark Skies: The Character of God Amidst Suffering

Length: 36 mins 23 secs Plays: 116

Speaker: Jordan Allen - Just as the stars don't disappear during the daytime but rather shine brightly at night, there are truths about God that remain constant at all times, but sometimes it’s during the dark and troubled times that those constant truths really shine. It’s in those times that we need to cling to the constant truths that we know about God. While a class on suffering could go in various directions, we will be meditating on God's characteristics that shine brightly in the midst of our suffering–characteristics like sovereignty, love, mercy, and justice. At the same time, we will wrestle with the questions that suffering inevitably brings to the surface. Our hope is that we will learn, like Job, that we don’t have to know why as long as we know Who. In this lesson, we introduce the topic and address some important characteristics of suffering that set us up well to meditate on the character of God.

Topics: suffering