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Where Do We Turn?

March 22, 2020

Passage: Daniel 9:1-19 Speaker: Pastor Josh MacAvoy Series: Exiles in Expectation

Length: 34 mins 27 secs Plays: 389

Speaker: Josh Macavoy - In our passage for the week, Daniel is over 80 years old and has been an exiled captive for 67 years. Daniel has been kidnapped from his land and family, faced death on numerous occasions, been thrown into a pit of lions, seen kings rise and fall, and now has experienced a regime change. Daniel knows what it is like to live in desperate times. But Daniel isn’t the only person living in desperate or difficult times. In recent days, we are experiencing what many call “difficult days.” From pandemics, to financial crisis, to employment uncertainty, social distancing and earthquakes, we too face difficult times. And it leads us to ask, “In difficult times, where should believers turn?”