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Who Can See Clearly?

September 19, 2021

Passage: Luke 6:37-42 Speaker: Pastor Josh MacAvoy Series: The Parables of Jesus

Length: 37 mins 5 secs Plays: 248

Speaker: Josh MacAvoy - This week we will be looking at another parable from the Gospel of Luke. But this one has some familiar verses and themes. It is in Luke 6:37-42 that Jesus tells the crowds, “Don’t judge, don’t condemn, but rather forgive.” And later in our passage we find two construction workers with something in their eye. As you read this brief passage, notice the theme of clear sight and accurate perception. And ask yourself, “Who in this passage can see clearly?” Finally, pray that God will open our eyes to His word and His mercy tomorrow. Ask God to convict of sin in your life, that you are trying to overlook. Pray for humility to let others speak truth into your life, even if it is painful at times.