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Work Out Your Own Salvation

August 21, 2016

Passage: Philippians 2:12-18 Speaker: Pastor Will Galkin Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 54 mins 3 secs Plays: 3287

Speaker: Will Galkin - Paul’s expresses his love for the church of Philippi throughout the epistle that he sent them. His time with this church must have been sweet. Yet, since his last visit, strife had broken out among the believers. This is why Paul in Philippians 1 reminds the members of this church of his own hardships for the gospel. He shared that some who claimed the name of Christ were actually preaching Christ out of rivalry. But this did not slow down Paul from living worthy of the gospel. Throughout the book Paul offers himself as a joyful example of Christian maturity. The idea is that the Philippian believers should live just as Paul lived. Philippians 1:27 exhorts the believers to live worthy of the Gospel. Later, in Philippians 2:1-11 Paul encourages the believers to live worthy of the gospel by allowing the humility of Christ to guide all of their interactions with others. In Philippians 2:12-18, Paul reminds them of their dependent responsibility to work out their own salvation so that the lost would see Christ in them.