Passage: Daniel 11:1-12:13 Speaker: Pastor Lukus Counterman Series: Exiles in Expectation
Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Daniel 10-12 we read the final vision of this prophet in his old age. The Lord showed Daniel some of the events at “the time of the end” when kingdoms would rise and fall, when the Antichrist would come to power and unleash devastating persecution on God’s people, and when God would display his sovereignty over all things. At the close of this prophetic book, we discover that God wins. He wins even though his people may suffer. He wins even though the grave seems to get the last laugh. God wins because in the end he will resurrect those who are his to everlasting life. May the Lord comfort the hurting and stabilize the suffering with a fresh vision of his sovereignty as we wrap up our series in Daniel. May we be exiles who look with expectation to the One who is sovereign over all.