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Creeds, Canon, and Councils

May 01, 2022

Speaker: Ben Henderson Series: Church History

Length: 28 mins 20 secs Plays: 135

Speaker: Ben Henderson - Secular scholars and popular activists espouse the belief that Christianity was invented at the Council of Nicaea when Constantine I dictated what he wanted the new religion to look like. There, doctrine was decided and the books of what we know as the scriptures were determined in order to promote a version of Christianity that was most palatable to the political forces in Rome. This misguided notion of early Christianity fails to fairly examine the beliefs of Christians apparent in the writings of the first two centuries AD. From the Church's beginnings, creeds were used to affirm right belief. The canonical books of the Old Testament and the New were established very soon after the death and Resurrection of Christ. We can have the confidence today that God was faithful in preserving right doctrine and the Word in the same form that we can read it today. God was faithful then in preserving the truth as he is faithful now.