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Engaging the Digital World

October 27, 2024

Speaker: Isaac Gagarinas Series: The Christian and Technology

Length: 28 mins 25 secs Plays: 4

Speaker: Isaac Gagarinas - The rise of the internet changed the trajectory of society in countless ways. One of the greatest was the creation of a new medium of engagement which is the digital world. Now, people have the ability to engage with ideas, videos, music, and content. Friends can both connect with old friends and make new friends they never would have otherwise. But what exactly is the digital world? How should Christians engage it? In this class we start with a biblical anthropology, recognizing that God has created us as embodied beings. As embodied beings, we are made for embodied reality and embodied relationships. Therefore, the goal of this is to rightly value the digital world so that we as embodied beings can rightly engage the digital world.